Syracuse Rocket Club, NAR Section #566 NAR LogoSRC Logo

December 2009

In attendance: Dennis Friend, Rich Pitzeruse, David Harbaugh, Scott Sellers, Tim Catterson


Topic of the meeting was the future of the club. Rich told us that George and Elaine Reavis (vice-president and secretary respectively) have resigned from the club.

This means we will need more volunteers to fill these positions and help with the launches. Since we do not have a lot of regular participation in club activities, Rich asked if the club should be disbanded.

A lively discussion followed, with the following results (text adapted from an email Rich sent to the club's listserv):

  1. The club will continue for another year. We will see if anything changes. If there is not an increase in participation, then the club will fold.
  2. The club will not renew the Tripoli Prefecture. We did not have an experimental launch last year, so renrewing the Tripoli Prefecture would be a waste.
  3. In an effort to make the treasurer job a little easier, it was decided our dues will follow the calendar year. Almost everyone is either in need of renewing, or needs to by January or February. Therefore all memberships will now run from January through December. Dues are the same for the year, $10 for an individual, $15 for a family. If someone joins after March, they will only pay for the remaining months in the year ($1/month for individual, $1.50/month for family).
  4. We talked about not meeting every month. Meetings are typically attended by 4 or 5 people, and are very informal. It would look good to Walt's if we kept meeting (Walt said to Rich after the meeting "At least you guys still having meetings!!!"). We came to no conclusion. This will be a topic at the January meeting.
  5. We took nominations for officers. Present nominations are:

    Elections are in January. So if you'd like to be an officer, please let us know before January.
  6. We need people to step up to be launch directors. The club President (David) is not responsible for making sure launches happen. This has NEVER been the job of the President, but for some reason it's always fallen on the President's shoulders ... usually resulting in eventual burn out (note that no past past presidents are involved in the club). We are trying to keep David (and future Presidents) from getting burned out.
    At the January meeting we are going to look at other area club launche schedules, and our own personal schedules, and come up with the club's launch schedule. The schedule will be based on who steps up to be launch director and when they can do it. This may quite likely result in only being a couple launches this summer, if we don't get people volunteering. So if you'd like to see more than a couple launches this summer, you will need to volunteer to be launch director.