Syracuse Rocket Club, NAR Section #566

About SRC
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SRC Calendar
Launch Statistics

Welcome to The Syracuse Rocket Club

The Syracuse Rocket Club promotes and encourages safe hobby rocketry in the Central New York area

Next Club Meeting: The next meeting is Monday, November 18th at Walt's HobbyTown starting at 7:00 PM. The topic of discussion will be the nominations for 2025 Club Officers

New to model rocketry? Bring your rocketry projects or questions to our meeting - we'll provide answers, tips and ideas to help you get ready to launch.

Next Sport Launch: The 2024 launch season is over, see you in May 2025!

NOTICE: We are able to launch high power (Class 2) rockets again! We are still working on the logistics of being able to do it for every launch, but October's launch will include high power! Our waiver of 3,200ft will be in effect.

The Syracuse Rocket Club welcomes families and anyone interested in the hobby to attend our launches. We have rockets available for children to fly and take home. We will teach new flyers how to prep and fly their rockets. Join us at our next monthly club meeting or launch.

Save time at the launch by filling out your flight cards at home. Click here to download the SRC flight card.

Questions about SRC? E-mail us at Want to join SRC? Click here for membership application!


Syracuse Rocket Club ©

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